Project Javelin

Project Javelin is a mobile app that helps users navigate and access the vast amounts of data generated by the Olympics.



Our client is Juan Juan, the CEO of Fanalyze. His company provides an app that lets users analyze sports and betting data, compare players and teams, and stay up to date with the latest sports news. He wanted to expand their capabilities with a service that enables users to follow the Olympics with the same ease and enthusiam as the NFL, NBA, and MLB playoffs.


Juan recognized that it was difficult for fans to follow their favorite Olympic athletes and events due to the huge amount of data available through fragmented sources. He proposed an app that would help fans experience the Olympics by providing the following features:

TechKnow—a team of eight senior computer science students at CSU Sacramento—accepted the challenge, and Project Javelin was born.


Welcome Screen
Social Login
Profile Creation Screen
Profile Customization
Home Screen
Personalized Updates
Notifications Screen
Timely Notifications
Athletes Hub Screen
Find countries, athletes, and events
Athlete Details Screen
View stats and results
Athlete Twitter Feed
Twitter integration
Athlete Comparison Screen
Compare athletes side-by-side
Event Group Details Screen
Follow groups of events
Search Screen
Robust search functionality
Torch Tracker
Olympic Torch Tracker


Jeremy Persing

Robin O'Connell

Avinash Tiwari

Kaitlin Arens

Ali Aljehani

Akul Arora

Ethan Yang

Tou Lo

Special thanks to our advisors, Dr. Haiquan Chen and Professor Yongwhan Lim.



  • TypeScript
  • React Native
  • Expo
  • React Query
  • Axios
  • React Native Paper
  • React Navigation


  • TypeScript
  • Node
  • Express
  • MongoDB
  • Mongoose
  • Passport
  • Data Sports Group API

Dev Tools

  • VS Code
  • Android Studio
  • Xcode
  • Git


January-April 2021

  • Gathered requirements
  • Created prototypes
  • Met with client biweekly for feedback

May 2021

  • Finalized and presented prototype
  • End of spring semester

June-August 2021

  • Watched Olympics and planned for fall semester
  • Developed Torch Tracker

September-December 2021

  • Start of fall semester
  • Developed app
  • Met with client biweekly to review progress

December 2021

  • Presented at Senior Project showcase
  • Delivered finalized app to client


Welcome Screen
Profile Creation Screen
Home 1 Screen
Home 2 Screen
Torch Tracker Screen
Athletes Screen
Athletes Comparison Screen
Country Screen
Events Screen
Search Screen
Notification Screen